Monday, November 23, 2009

Don't Lynch Me

What do Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Warren Harding, and Barack Obama have in common?

Correct, they were all presidents, but that should be pretty evident, looking at the title of the entire blog. In addition, according to J.A. Rogers, they are all of African descent.

In his book from the 1960s, The Five Negro Presidents, Rogers gives information on the first four men, as well as Hannibal Hamlin (15th Vice President) and Alexander Hamilton, suggesting that they all have Africans in their geneology.

Honestly, I haven't read the 19 page book, nor do I plan on purchasing it to do so. The jury is split as to the validity of the claims made about these men. Some believe it to be factual, some believe it to be less so.

Now, what does this mean for Barack? Does he have to take this book off the market, remove it from memories, and censor all information sources Rogers used?

First, no he doesn't because how many people are actually going to hear about this? Not many. And how many would believe it anyway? Even less.

Second, this doesn't change the fact that Barack is visibly black. None of the other men appeared to be black, though it is said some had a dark complexion. Regardless, a dark complexion is still white.

Lastly, what does it matter if Barack isn't the first black president or even if he was just a white guy? Would his policies change? Would he suddenly not be considered Messiah by some and Satan by others? Of course not!

I really just like to justify Andrew Jackson's badassness as a possible side effect of being black.

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