Thursday, January 14, 2010

Round 2, Part 2

10 Barack Obama 11 William Taft (Victor will be assigned 7)

"Taft was big and fat and had a mustache." Taft only won the first round because America isn't ready to elect a gay man to the presidency. Barack Obama's appearance should be enough to catapult him past Taft in an election.

2 Chester Arthur 4 Theodore Roosevelt (Victor will be assigned 8)

Arthur is accused of corruption. He responds by pointing to his strength in power during the Civil War. Roosevelt and the Rough Riders bring a better story, and Roosevelt has no corruption accusations.

Roosevelt wins with a comfortable margin.

8 George H.W. Bush 6 Franklin Roosevelt (Victor will be assigned 9)

The elder Bush has such a wide array of political experience with few major blemishes on it that he would probably blow FDR out of the water. I know, FDR is considered one of the greatest presidents of all time. But the man is in a wheelchair. No matter how much you try to disguise that, it would become a major thing in today's world where people are so judged by their appearance. And unfortunately, in a presidential race, there's no handicap for Roosevelt.

5 James Garfield 15 Warren Harding (Victor will be assigned 10)

Lassez faire + Lassez campaigning = Harding loss, but by a small margin.

7 Ronald Reagan 18 Lyndon Johnson (Victor will be assigned 11)

Lyndon Johnson had vast amounts of experience in politics. Reagan had a decent amount himself, mostly gubernatorial experience in Cullif--California. However, Reagan's extreme conservatism is unlikely to take root, just 30 years after he initially became president. Lyndon Johnson wins, though in a close election due to Reagan's being an actor.

5 Wild Cards announced tomorrow... somehow.

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