Monday, January 4, 2010

Presidential Polonaise

You probably know "Hail to the Chief."

What song could be more appropriate for the President of the United States?

Songs adapted from the Scots are, after all, extremely American and every president (at least since John Tyler, when the song was first used for the president) accepted the song.

Every president except Chester Arthur.

When Arthur learned of the origins of the song, he asked John Philip Sousa to write an alternative tune.

Sousa responded with the "Presidential Polonaise." Here is a link for your listening pleasure. The polonaise is a Polish musical style in 3/4 time. However Sousa manages to give the song a more Spanish feel. It's designed to keep people moving through the White House.

The song was first performed in 1886, both after Arthur's term and his death. The song did not last and "Hail to the Chief" quickly returned as the song of the presidents. It's a shame, really. "Presidential Polonaise" is an enjoyable tune and had great potential.

Instead, history continues to try and erase Chester Arthur from the minds of Americans.

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